R3trans, tp and transports-How are they all connected.
It is important that a transport administrator or a Basis administrator understands these concepts.
tp: tp is a utility for controlling transports.
tp calls the following:
R3trans is usually called in particular from tp
- R3 trans –Import DDIC objects into the data base
- sapevent is triggered–RDD jobs are scheduled–Activates DDIC objects (wp in SAP are allocated)
- R3trans–the main import takes place
- sapevt–XPRAS (wp in SAP are allocated)
How are the R3trans process allocated?
R3trans is an operating system process, so when we assign parallel process those many operating system processes will be performing the transports.
Only while Activating the DDIC objects and performing the XPRAS, these operating system processes may call the SAP work process.
For example, let us assume that while performing the support packages, we have allocated 16 R3trans parallel process.
Grep the total number of wp from the operating system.
(16+parent process+grep process)
$> ps -ef | grep R3trans | wc –l
Note: We cannot assign as many wp’s as we wish, this will utilize the CPU, I/O operations will be consumed to the maximum.